It’s National Pharmacist Appreciation Day. No, really; it is.

"high five" by gin soak via Flickr

There’s no better day than today to thank the pharmacist in your facility. You know, the one who catches a ton of errors before you even lay eyes on the medications? The one you may not even know her name but you call to check drug/IV-fluid compatibility all the time? The one you call when you need your bazillionth stat drug for the day, and you know he’ll have it in the window for you before you hang up the phone? The one you call when your patient shows you the uniquely shaped pink pill she takes every day? The one who works in often the ugliest, most secluded area of the facility? The one who reminds you about lab values to be mindful of while simultaneously educating you on the pharmacokinetics of the drug?


That one.

It’s a good day to high-five a pharmacist, and say thanks.