"Birthday Cake" by Will Clayton via Flickr

Happy 40th birthday, Southwest Airlines! Normally I wouldn’t wish a business happy birthday, but you already know you’re no ordinary business. I was required to learn about you over and over again in business school, and I continue to learn about you still. (Triple bottom line, anyone?) Did I mind? Absolutely not. You’re a great example, and the corporate world isn’t the only sector that can learn from you. The non-profit and nursing sectors can and should learn from you, as well.

Thanks to the always lovely reading, Spirit Magazine, I’ve selected five of my favorite mentions in the “40 Lessons to Learn from Southwest” to share with my healthcare colleagues.

1. Think Crazy-Brilliant. Like so smart it’s scary. Southwest continues to push boundaries and the status quo. Yeah, I expect that from my airline, but I expect it even more so from my healthcare professionals. Step it up. Think bigger.

2. Culture is Everything and Everywhere. Southwest has nailed an amazing culture. Fun, fast, polite. It’s the reason I fly Southwest. I wish more healthcare organizations and healthcare leaders would pay more attention to our culture. It’s a make-it or break-it kind of deal.

3. Put the Worker First. Southwest routinely receives many more applicants for open job positions than they can fill. Because. They. Value. Their. Human. Resources. A satisfied worker will provide satisfactory service. ‘Nuff said.

4. Leadership is Key. I LUV the fact that Southwest promoted a secretary and an air traffic controller to CFO and COO positions. That’s amazing. Throw in the story about the CEO arm-wrestling another airline CEO to use a marketing slogan, and you’ve got me hooked on the leaders within the company. The same is true in healthcare. Leaders are key. They make things happen or stop them from occurring. They make organizations great and the people within it even better. They take the blame and share the credit. They bring people around them that are smarter than them. The list goes on and on.

5. Never Rest on Your Laurels. Southwest has made excellence a habit. They’ve never “arrived.” Great healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals are the same. Continuation is key.

And just to prove Southwest is again awesome, they’re giving everyone birthday gifts. Swing over to Spirit Magazine from now until July 10th to enter the 40 Days of Prizes. Don’t forget to download your 40 free songs from iTunes, either. Yes, I do LUV Southwest! Happy, happy birthday! *blows party horn*

P.S. As an oncology nurse, I have to say it: Herb Kelleher, you started the best airline in the world. You can quit smoking, too.

A recent view. You'll always find me right past the wing.