The plane wing sliced through the clouds like a warm knife through butter. Squealing tires on the tarmac soon lead to a quick trip on public transportation. As I walked a few blocks from the bus stop to the hotel, a cool, sea-scented breeze officially welcomed me to Boston.

Hours earlier I met Linda, an outpatient oncology nurse from Baltimore, as I connected from Austin. It was lovely getting to know her and sharing my own experiences, as well. Our oncology nursing instantly connected us with shared experiences, knowledge, and passions. We’re from the same tribe, and it was a comfortable, relaxing conversation, but I was tired. I tried to hide it.

My day started early. Very early. But after I settled in my hotel, tested my presentation, pinned up my poster, and met and networked with many new colleagues at the ONS Publishing Reception and the Leadership Meet & Greet, I realized the journey was definitely worth it.

I am excited to share so much I have already learned in the six hours I’ve been in Boston. I am thrilled for the next few days of ONS Congress. So much to see and do.

I hope the same breeze greets me again tomorrow.
