I’m really not a crafty person. Honestly. I have a five year-old daughter that has an inner Martha Stewart I can barely keep up with, and I know she’s going to out-craft me within this year. (Seriously, I’m thinking about teaching her how to knit as I learn myself!) I know I keep talking about Pinterest, but it has absolutelymade me craftier; all the better to keep up with my preschooler.

One of my Pinterest boards (in addition to the Nursetopia board) – “If Ever I Become Crafty” – is a place where I pin all the little things I think I might be able to accomplish. Paper fortune cookies is a great example of what I mean. They look easy enough and don’t take hot glue or anything else a crafty person, like myself, may not have on hand.* I knew once I saw the instructions that I could swing these and have several encouraging uses for them. Rather than print off and include the traditional small strips of paper fortunes, I hand-wrote inspirational quotes on my fortune cookies.

If you have a simple – and I do mean simple – craft or Pinterest board you think I might enjoy, let me know! I am always looking for ideas to spread encouragement and inspiration to my team and colleagues.

*I did spring for a circle cutter, some bright paper, and some glue dots (which I had no clue even existed before this!) because I made a ton of these paper fortune cookies for gifts and a visual/tactile reflection to open a meeting with my team.