Love isn’t in the falling; it’s in the staying. 

NurseYourHeartOutI fell in love with nursing in nursing school. At one point in my career, I despised it, though. It was right around the infamous two-year mark. I questioned whether I made the right choice for my life, even, going into the profession.

Grad school came and went. I changed nursing roles.

And, I fell in love with nursing all over again.

After many productive and exciting years of work, I felt my passion wane. I changed nursing roles.

And, I fell in love with nursing all over again.

The longer I’m in the profession, the more experiences shape my life, the more amazing colleagues influence me, the more I see the micro and macro power of nursing.

If you feel your nursing passion waning, maybe you need to spice things up a bit, change it up. You can change within nursing while still remaining within the profession; it’s what I love the most about nursing.

Find a role that makes you fall back in love with nursing. Reignite your passion, and everything else – quality and energy – will nuzzle into place.

Want the image above? It’s my gift to you. It would be an awesome treat for a coworker, especially if you cut it out and included a handwritten note on the back!