I dislike a disciplined regimen; I love the results.

I trudge to early morning exercise (still) and wave sadly at the pizza while I eat chicken breast and roasted veggies (which is actually quite yummy); I really like increased self-confidence, more energy, lower disease risk, and smaller sized clothes.

I get tired reading article after article, keeping up with current issues and the ever-changing evidence-based practices; I am delighted colleagues look to me as a leader and trusted source of information.

It is no fun foregoing wants; it is very rewarding watching debt dwindle quickly towards nil.

Results, success, rarely happens without discipline. Discipline is a “process,” which leads to habits. I have a quote on my door currently that constantly reminds me of habits and discipline:

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle

So, I will continue on with the discipline. While I dislike it at present, I know the future holds success.