The Nurse Oncology Education Program (NOEP) recently released AvidNurse 2.1, the biggest redesign and upgrade of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch app yet. Wanna know what’s even better? It’s now free. Yep…F.R.E.E! [Insert church choir quick-tempo Hallelujah Chorus here.]

Yes, I love NOEP, so I am completely biased, but I must say, they did an outstanding job with the update. The navigation is cleaner, the graphics are snazzier, the resources and tools are updated, and they’ve added badges and access to their beautifully entertaining continuing nursing education videos (that are also free, yes!).

It’s part of my nursing practice toolbox. You should make it part of yours, as well. Not an oncology nurse? Perfect! NOEP actually creates all of its resources and continuing nursing education for nurses in all fields of practice. No matter your nursing specialty, you see and care for oncology patients or those who are at risk for cancer. Download and use AvidNurse now to help strengthen your nursing care.

What’s your favorite AvidNurse app feature?

Full Disclosure: I worked as the Program Director for NOEP prior to my current role, and I helped develop the original AvidNurse app. I still think the upgrade is waaaaay better than the original. That being said, my thoughts here are my own, and I did not receive any remuneration for this post.