All posts by: Nursetopia

A Ratio Only Few Understand – 19 Nurses: 12 Million People

You think your patient ratio is bad? Try being one of 19 nurses working in the nation’s only cancer hospital serving 12 million people. For a handful of Zambian nurses, this is reality. Biemba Maliti details the challenges of oncology nursing... Read More

My Children Expand My Pedi Skills

I am not a pedi nurse. With three children, though, my pediatric nursing skills have definitely improved, and I am now remembering lectures and information I haven’t thought of in eight years. Amazing how I’ve remembered all that information without... Read More

[Poll] Healthcare Professionals, Have You Made Your Own Advanced Directives?

Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day. Your decisions matter. As healthcare professionals, many of us know the importance of having advanced directives. A lot of us dance around the discussion, but it is an important one to have with all... Read More

Lean Tools and Concepts Reduce Waste, Improve Efficiency

This is part 11 of the Nursing Research Challenge. The following article is not a nursing research article, but rather a case report and serves as valuable nursing evidence. The Article: Korner, K., Hartman, N., Agee, A., & McNally, M. (2011).... Read More

Resourced: America’s Health Rankings

It’s no secret. I love it when data is visually appealing. It is more captivating. At least it is to me. America’s Health Rankings is a super neat site allowing you to view 42 diverse health measures by state. States... Read More

Suicide Turned Negligence: Stereotypes, Death, & Court

I cannot shake a recent article from my thoughts. Daniel Iverson, a homeless man and frequent visitor to the ER, enters and tells the triage nurse he hates his life and he’s ingested a fatal amount of morphine. She does her... Read More

The Power of Continuing

There is such great pleasure and empowerment in continuing. Continuing when you think you cannot. Continuing when no one else is watching. Continuing simply for yourself – your mind showing your body which is in control. Next time you think... Read More


Phone buzzing. Kids screaming, laughing. Dishwasher humming. TV pounding. Neighbor’s dog barking. Ceiling fan rustling. Fingers tapping. Ideas swirling. An internal crescendo. Inaudible to others. Telephones put away. Children to bed. Dishes washed. TV turned off. Neighbor’s dog now calm.... Read More

New Rx: Walk Two Miles & Call Me in the Morning

Looking for a new ‘scrip’ for a pill, as is our culture in the US? You may be surprised the next time you see your healthcare provider. That’s because providers everywhere are being encouraged to utilize exercise prescriptions – an... Read More

Sleep Your Way to the Top. Literally.

Arianna Huffington has a new perspective on success. Want to get to the top of whatever it is you do? Sleep your way there. Literally. She reflects on sleep deprivation and how getting enough sleep is one of the best... Read More