All posts by: Nursetopia

Oncology Nursing’s Treasure

I am sitting at the Boston Logan International Airport waiting to return home to Austin. I am posting from my iPhone, so please forgive my lack of links throughout the post. I have spent the last three days at the... Read More

Where Did You Sleep Last Night? Homeless Male Adolescents: Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Heterosexual Compared

This is part 13 of the Nursing Research Challenge. The Article: Hein, L. (2010). Where did you sleep last night? Homeless male adolescents: Gay, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual compared. Southern Online Nursing Journal of Research, 10(1). Accessed at The... Read More


I cannot keep vaccines straight in my mind. It’s easy for them to run together in my ol’ gray matter, especially vaccination schedules. Thankfully, there’s, which covers anything and everything related to vaccines. It is a great site for... Read More

From Austin to Boston – 2011 ONS Congress

The plane wing sliced through the clouds like a warm knife through butter. Squealing tires on the tarmac soon lead to a quick trip on public transportation. As I walked a few blocks from the bus stop to the hotel,... Read More

It’s Raining Research: Open Access Nursing Journals

Last week I mentioned some of my favorite places to find free, full-text nursing journal articles. Special thanks to my friend and brilliant colleague, Susan Thrane, for pointing out that open access nursing journals are also great sources, and nurse... Read More

Drumroll for ONS Congress

It’s here. It’s finally here. The Oncology Nursing Society Annual Congress is this week in Boston. I am looking forward to so many things, and I hope to meet many colleagues in real life at Congress. I am super excited... Read More

Simple Life. Good Life.

I just returned from the most lavish birthday party I have ever attended in my life. I actually wasn’t the invited guest. My son was. It was a party for six-year olds. Two hours looking at a $1 million plus... Read More

Applying the Magnet Model to Improve Medication Safety

Here’s another case study for the 12th week of the Nursing Research Challenge. The Article: Faust, B. H. (2011). Applying the Magnet model to improve medication administration. American Nurse Today, 5(3): 54-55. The Big Idea: Sinai Hospital’s direct-care nurses improved... Read More

Resourced: Free, Full-Text Nursing Articles

Tomorrow will mark 12 weeks I have participated in the Nursing Research Challenge. I have enjoyed it thoroughly and plan to continue my weekly Friday nursing article posts. The only problem, I found, was that I do not have regular access... Read More

[Poll] VIP Suites within Acute-Care Settings

I have my own feelings about hospitals, or acute-care facilities, having “VIP suites” or “special amenities units” for whomever hospital administration deems worthy of such rooms, but I want to know what you think.... Read More