All posts by: Nursetopia

Resourced: Free Assessment Tools from NIH Promis®

The National Institutes of Health Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System, or PROMIS®, is a collection of free assessment tools measuring patient–reported health status for physical, mental, and social well–being. Tools are standardized – allowing for easy comparability, inclusive – covering... Read More

The Lost Art of the Bed Bath?

Do you remember watching Bed Bath 101 during your first semester of nursing school? I do. Sitting with 25 friends watching someone bathe two people – male and female – with accompanied lecture. Awkward. Betty Ferrell, RN, PhD, FAAN, spoke... Read More

ONS Congress Poster Love – Increasing Nurses’ Knowledge of Cancer Survivorship: Assessing the Impact of Online Continuing Nursing Education

Download this poster to reference in your upcoming presentations or articles. Full disclosure: I am an author of this poster, and I think it very important to follow gained knowledge into transference of nursing (and other healthcare professional) practice.... Read More

It’s Mother’s Day, and I’m Thinking of You

Mother’s Day changed six years ago. One of my patients, Mrs. M., passed away from cancer. I was pregnant – very pregnant – with my first child at the time I was caring for her as she received a very... Read More

Break Cancer Video Update

Many helped with a Break Cancer world record attempt the first week of April. Well, I submitted the world record video to URDB who then changed the record title, denying the video. I am unsure why they did so and... Read More

Change, Chaos, Adaptation: The Effects of Leadership on a Work Group

This is part 14 of the Nursing Research Challenge. The Article: Otten, R. and Chen, T. (2011). Change, chaos, adaptation: The effects of leadership on a work group. Creative Nursing, 17(1): 30-35. Big Idea: This article views a major change... Read More

ONS Congress Poster Love: “Sickle Cell Pain Management: A Survey of Clinicians’ Perceived Barriers, Knowledge and Satisfaction

Many thanks to Patti Palmer, RN, MS, AOCNS®, and collaborating authors for allowing me to share their recent Oncology Nursing Society Congress poster. Sickle-cell pain management is a touchy subject within healthcare, at least it is in my opinion. I think that our... Read More

Resourced: Journal of Nursing Jocularity

Need a pick me up? Want to learn more about ways to integrate humor into nursing practice? Check out the Journal of Nursing Jocularity, a free, online magazine for nurses. Various nurse authors, light-hearted articles, comics, and stand-up comedy healthcare-related... Read More

Just Show Up

A colleague I admire called me yesterday to talk business, but she ended the call wonderfully by encouraging me. It lasted all of 45 seconds, but it meant a lot to me, and I told her so. I wasn’t having... Read More

Thinking, Remembering

In light of the recent worldwide news of Osama bin Laden’s death, I have spent much of today thinking and remembering. I have friends who were forever impacted by the USS Cole attack, and as with many, the events of... Read More