All posts by: Nursetopia

QR Codes: Why All Pharmacies & Industry Need to Use Them

QR, or Quick Response, codes and Microsoft Tags are popping up everywhere. Basically, they make print materials interactive. Smart phone users can scan the codes or Tags using specified apps, decoding the data which may contain contact information, URLs, you... Read More

Recent Reads

I always look forward to summertime because it’s usually when I read the most. Here’s what I’ve been reading the past few months and whether you should also read or spend your precious time elsewhere. Definitely Read: * Tribes: We... Read More

Healthcare Professional Immersion Program

The University of Texas at Arlington is once again coordinating its Travel, Study, Learn program – an immersion education activity held in Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 7-14, 2011. It is open to all healthcare professionals, and it is accredited for continuing... Read More

Tell It Like It Is

Today my younger brother and his sweet wife delivered their first child. Hooray! My nephew had a bit of difficulty after birth – he was ashen, had a decreased respiratory rate, required several suctionings, and needed supplemental oxygen for a... Read More

To Tell or Not To Tell

I’m a pretty healthy gal. I’ve never been admitted to the hospital, except for childbirth, and even then I was begging to leave ASAP. Lately, though, I’ve had a few medical appointments and procedures. It’s always interesting to see which... Read More

Nurses Part of the Plan, Not Part of the Planning… Again

As I read the recently released Lancet article and call to action to increase access to healthcare services and implement policy changes in low and middle-income countries, I learned about the Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care... Read More

These Are A Few of My Favorite (Nursing) Things

Sometimes I am amazed at how excited I get over certain items or processes within my profession. It’s a running joke in my office. (Yes, I’m looking at you, Mister “Yea! The banker’s boxes are in!”) While I practiced in... Read More

If Nursing Had a Theme Song

What would it be? I imagine it as a shuffled playlist, changing songs with every interaction throughout the day. Oooorrrrr! What if “Glee” was set on a hospital unit? What songs would the nurses randomly sing and dance to? (You... Read More

Nurses at SXSWi

South by Southwest interactive (SXSWi) will host a health track for the very first time in 2011. Sessions are selected based on a combination of a SXSW advisory board, SXSW staff, and votes. The Panel Picker opened today, and a... Read More

The American Cancer Society + Nurses = BFF

The American Cancer Society. Upon first thought, you may think “trustworthy.” Maybe you think “old.” Do you ever jump to “nursing” or “innovative” when you think of ACS? You should. I’m an oncology nurse, a consumer of ACS services and... Read More