All posts by: Nursetopia

Routine Me

Routines keep us sane and safe. (Hat tip to the Heath brothers for teaching me that in their book, Switch, which I recommended last summer.) Often times we crave routines. Other times we need our routines to be shaken. We... Read More

Book Review: “The Designful Company”

The Designful Company: How to Build a Culture of Nonstop Innovation by Marty Neumeier is a read well-worth your time. It won’t take too much of it, though. You could start and finish the book on a plane ride or... Read More

Mean Nurse

Oxymoronic, right? Mean. Nurse. Mean [meen] – adjective, -er, -est. Offensive, selfish, or unaccommodating; nasty; malicious: a mean remark; small-minded or ignoble; penurious, stingy, or miserly. Nurse [nurs] – noun, -ing. A person formally educated and trained in the care... Read More

Dream On, Dreamer

Who wants a dream that’s near-fetched? ~Howard Schultz, Starbucks Founder Isn’t that the truth? If you’re going to dream, dream big. Ridiculous dreams set the true innovators and trailblazers apart from everyone else who claim it on their resumes. Far-fetched ideas cause... Read More

Accessibility versus Availability

Need to get in touch with me? Pretty easy to do. You can call my cell or work phone. (I haven’t had a home phone in four years.) You can text me, too. You could email me at work or... Read More

Look Up

Remember to look up at the stars, and not down at your feet. ~Stephen Hawking In nursing and healthcare, we always tell patients to “look up” when ambulating. Why? Safety. You don’t want to bump into anything and your body... Read More

Consider Me Your “Nursing Student Expelled for FB Placenta Photo” Aggregator

The story of four nursing students expelled from Johnson County Community College for taking pictures with a human placenta (without any patient identifiers) is, by all standards, viral in the media and nursing blogosphere. I am truly sorry for the... Read More

Covering the Cold

It is just now getting really cold in Austin, Texas, and by “really cold,” I mean our daily highs are in the mid-60’s and our lows hover right around freezing. I can hear your chuckles. Still, it’s cold for us;... Read More

Book Review – “Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, & Purpose”

Tony Hsieh, CEO of, Inc. has written a great book – Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, & Purpose. It’s filled with lovely stories of learning and entrepreneurship and nuggets of leadership wisdom gleaned while growing, Inc.... Read More


New day. New month. New year. New Year’s Day is usually all about change. It’s a celebration of the previous year disappearing into the hope of the next year. Change. Personally, I try to avoid change often; professionally, I embrace... Read More