All posts by: Nursetopia

Of Seasons, Science, Art, Money, & Nursing

I have a love-hate relationship with this season. No, not winter. Professionally, as the director of a nonprofit program, this is my grant-writing season. Mid-January through the end of March is a dizzying dance of RFAs (requests for applications), budgets, project... Read More

Where Are The Nurse Leaders?

Where are they online? Yes, there are plenty of nurse leaders online, but where are those whose titles ring of nursing leadership? Where are the executive vice presidents, the chief nursing officers, the directors of nursing, the department managers? Where... Read More

Cervical Cancer Organizations: Cervix with a Smile

There are so many great organizations helping raise awareness of cervical cancer and providing direct services to cervical cancer survivors. The National Cervical Cancer Coalition was founded in 1996 and has continued to grow ever since. The Gynecologic Cancer Foundation also... Read More

Cervical Cancer Survivors: In Their Own Words

I love hearing from cancer survivors. I enjoy getting to know them and listening to their unique stories. A beautiful organization and website I adore is Voices of Survivors, which explores what “survivorship” means to individual “survivors.” In honor of cervical... Read More

MacGyver’s Pap Test: Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid

If MacGyver was a nurse and needed to do a cervical cancer screening in the wilderness, this is the one he would use – visual inspection with acetic acid, or VIA*. I think he was more into wires and bomb... Read More

There’s A Pretty Good Chance You Have/Had/Will Have HPV

If you have ever had sexual intercourse or plan on having sex in the future, there’s a pretty good chance you either currently have HPV, have had HPV in the past, or will have HPV in the future. According to... Read More

Ladies, Say it With Me: Papanicolaou

päp-ə-ˈnē-kə-ˌlau You may know it more fondly as Pap – like Pap test or Pap smear. Okay, so maybe “fondly” is not the first word that comes to mind when thinking about stirrups, speculums, and cervical scrapings. Unless maybe it... Read More


Do What You Said You Would Do. Sounds simple. Not so much because we now have an acronym to remind us. Okay, so the acronym is not new. Neither is the concept. So why is it so hard? Because we... Read More

Innovator, Be Prepared to be Copied

I never thought about it until something I helped innovate was copied. It was an odd feeling. Still is. Intrigue, anger, confusion, jealousy, smugness, concern, passion – I felt all of these. My team and I worked hard to innovate... Read More

The Stairs of Doom!

Take a deep breath. Go on. [Deep breath in through the nose…1, 2, 3, 4, 5…deep breath out through the mouth…6, 7, 8, 9, 10.] Hopefully you inhaled wonderful, smoke-free air. Some of you may not have been fortunate to do so.... Read More