All posts by: Nursetopia

In Need of Innovation: Hospital Admission & Discharge Paperwork

Too much. Too much paper. Too much information that I may never use. Signed papers. Photocopied papers. Brochures. Folders. Prescriptions. X-rays. Referral forms. And I only had one trip to the ER and an outpatient procedure. As I woke up... Read More

In Desperate Need of Redesign – Pre-Op Holding

There’s nothing like seeing room for improvement when you’re looking at the issue from the other side. Case in point: Unfortunately, I had to have lithotripsy last week, which gave me quite a bit of time viewing healthcare from the... Read More

World Record Set. Prepare to Break It.

Last week I challenged others to help set a world record. Well, we did. We will actually try to break the record in a major way on the first day of National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week, which starts April... Read More

Certified Nurses Rock!

Happy Certified Nurses Day to all the OCN®, AOCN®, APHN, APRN-BC, RN-BC, CCRN®, and all the many other certified nurses who rock healthcare! I have held my certification (OCN®) for five years now, and I have enjoyed the sense of... Read More

Rapid Cycle Change Projects Improve Quality of Care

This is part six of the Nursing Research Challenge. The Article: Valente, S. (2011). Rapid cycle change projects improve quality of care. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 26(1): 54-60. Big Idea: Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) is a national... Read More

Book Knowledge vs. Experiential Knowledge

As a nurse, I have a lot of book knowledge about health, pathophysiology, pharmacotherapies, diagnostic tests, blah, blah, blah. I do not have a lot of personal experiential knowledge with these things. Yes, I have taken care of many patients,... Read More

Bitter Pain. Sweet Relief.

Bitter pain. Should be asleep. Left lower quadrant. Sirens nearing in. Stabbing. Stabbing. Burning. Make it stop. Neighbors take the kids. Family close by. Paramedics asking questions. Pressing. Pressing. Rocking. Make it stop. Fentanyl. Bright lights of the ER. Others... Read More

Musings of Management & Maintenance

I learned in nursing school that nursing management and nursing leadership are not the same. Indeed, they are not. I have the opportunity – yes, opportunity – to work in both roles in my current position. I must say, I... Read More

Great Nurse? Probably Had Great Teachers.

If your state’s budget is anything like the Texas state budget, your legislators are likely facing large budget deficits, causing them to carve funds from anywhere and everywhere – including healthcare and education. Of great healthcare concern, Texas legislators are... Read More

Kangofu is Japanese for Nurse

Since I awoke Friday morning to the news of the 8.9 earthquake in Japan, I cannot shake the thoughts of our Japanese nursing colleagues. I have said many prayers for them as they live and work through this and ongoing... Read More