The St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital presents the Cure4Kids Global Summit tomorrow, Friday, June 10, 2011, and you can attend the Summit webcast for free (a $100 value). Keynote speakers include Julie Torode, Ph.D., Deputy CEO, Advocacy and Programs director, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) Geneva; Lenora Johnson Dr.PH., M.P.H., director, Office of Communications and Education, National Cancer Institute, Washington, D.C.; Alejandro R. Jadad, M.D., D.Phil., chief innovator and founder, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, Toronto; and many others.

The three-day multidisciplinary conference is planned to improve health and science education in classrooms and communities around the world. It will bring together leading educators, innovators, and pioneers in a multidisciplinary forum to promote improvements and innovations in health and science education. While the conference lasts throughout June 12th, only Friday, June 10th, will be webcast. Friday’s program is chock full of great sessions ranging pediatric-specific health, cancer control, global health, innovation in communication, professional education and more presented from a variety of professionals. Special shout-out to Adobe for providing the Summit webcast to all of us free-of-charge.

Hopefully I can attend the webcast, or at least portions of it, and tweet about it, as well. I hope to join you in the conversations.