yes? no? maybe. By Visionello via Flickr

Does your organization have a “yes culture?” By that, I mean do people have the power to say “yes” to things, even if they are crazy ideas? Do people suggest things and colleagues answer back, “We could actually do that!”? It is definitely a unique culture that must be nurtured by all, and it requires empowerment and trust. When done correctly, a “yes culture” transforms business – no matter the sector.

A “yes culture” fosters innovation. It grows leaders, smashing the Law of the Lid. It develops autonomy and contributes to creative thinking of both new ideas and solutions to overcoming barriers. I have been a team member and a leader within organizations humbly boasting a “yes culture.” Both positions are equally exciting for the same reasons – people have the opportunity to complete and exceed expectations at the highest level.

Next time someone asks you a question, try saying yes. You never know what might happen.