Tomorrow is Certified Nurses Day, a day to celebrate all the nurses who have taken the extra step to ensure competency in their respective fields. This means time working in their nursing specialties, a lot of time studying, passing a comprehensive test written by other nursing specialty experts, and many hours of ongoing education to maintain certification.

I have several certified nurses on my team; they are wealths of knowledge and experience. I wanted to do something special for them without breaking my bank, so I decided to make them personal coasters, which I learned how to do thanks to another great blog via Pinterest. (I modified her directions a bit for my process.) Believe me, I am not a crafty person, but Pinterest has made me much craftier. Instructions are below, and you can download a modified template here. With all my supplies, I spent $0.92 on each. Pretty good if I do say so myself! Combined with a little note, these are sure to bring smiles tomorrow morning when they each arrive to work.

Celebrate the certified nurses around you tomorrow!