Like many today (okay, maybe not like many nurses), I work from home on occasion. Sometimes my children are home and other times they are not. Since I do not routinely work from home and there is no real workspace other than my kitchen table, I find telecommuting while my children are home, quite frankly, exhausting. Drink refills, incessant searching through the refrigerator, squabbles over toys, tugging to sit in my lap, a constant “Mooom!” penetrating the air – it all happens. Don’t get me wrong. There are moments of silence, toy collaborations, and squeals of laughter that also ring through the air.

As I have worked from home, I have found myself creating some workarounds. Like the time I joined a conference call from the quietest place in my house – the bedroom closet – which was inside a locked bathroom that my daughter would not stop trying to get into. That was fun.

Other times I have found myself snapping out of work-mode only to realize my parenting-mode was overridden. Like the time my daughter asked if she could eat an entire block of cheese while I waved her on saying, “Sure. Sure.” until a voice in the back of my head said, “Whaaaa?!” and I was able to rectify the situation.

Ah, yes. Interesting times. How do other telecommuters with small kids do it?