onewordEach year I select one word to help guide my efforts throughout the year. It’s my form of a resolution, I guess. It’s quite amazing to think of the word weekly or daily in some cases and actually implement it in various efforts, and it is always beautiful to reflect over the goodness that word has helped bring into my life. Since doing this one word effort, years 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 have been quite interesting and enlightening, and I’ve smiled reading back over those end-of-year perspectives, marveling at the threads that have woven into my life far deeper and more brilliantly than I anticipated.

2015 has not disappointed.

My one word for 2015 has been give. And, boy, did I.

I found myself giving more to my family, to my work, to people around me. I gave my time in ways I never have before – stepping onto organizational boards of directors for not one – but two different, wonderful organizations. I volunteered more time to students and precepted eight undergraduate nursing students and two graduate nursing students throughout their nursing leadership courses as well as several business students and community leaders who asked for time with me. I bought more lunches and coffees than I may have ever done collectively in my years prior. I gave more thanks than ever in my life, writing over 1,200 thank you notes as best I can tell from various calendars and documents.

As much as I gave and gave and gave, I will transparently tell you this has been one of the best years of my life – filled with more joy and contentment and, yes, even wealth, than I have ever experienced. I have more meaningful relationships; I feel a sense of contribution; and I do not miss any of the money I have spent or donated over the last 12 months, but I do recall the warmth of those lunches and coffees and time and money well-spent with others or on meaningful efforts. It’s amazing how that has happened.

I have always believed in principles of giving – reaping what you sow…tithing…”give and it shall be given unto you” (Luke 6:38). I have tested that principle this year in all forms. It remains true.

I am thankful for the gift of giving in 2015, and I hope to continue it into 2016, but that’s not my one word for the New Year. I’ll share that tomorrow!

Did you have a one word for 2015? If so, what was it? What are you looking forward to in 2016?