I previously asked nursing colleagues if they had the opportunity to go back in time and choose their profession all over again, would they still choose nursing. While the responses were few – three to be exact – all three stated they’d still choose nursing. That’s a far cry from the original survey that piqued my interest. Now, please don’t misinterpret my survey. It’s by no means a research study, and there are limitations upon limitations here folks. Still, it’s a pretty cool testament to professional dedication. One respondent left an inspiring comment:

Initially, I became a nurse because I needed an income. I didn’t think about much else. However, over the years I’ve grown and matured by caring for others. Through nursing, I have learned that I am resilient, resourceful, and a force to reckon with when necessary. I have saved lives. I have helped people in their time of need. Early in my career, my mentor/friend told me I had chosen a noble profession. Schmaltzy, maybe, but I’ve never lost my idealism in all of these years, and how many people can say that?

True, Dear Colleague. True.