If you’re passionate about something, chances are you’ll find yourself somewhere on the Passion-Apathy Cycle. For all intents and purposes, this cycle is purely fabricated. It’s simply how feel at times about my work. I work passionately 95% of the time. I am exhausted 4% of the time, especially if I have to keep working around and against barriers. And then, I’m apathetic for a bit. Until that apathy subsequently fuels my fire even more after I think, “I can’t stop caring about this…If I don’t care about it, who will?”

Passion-Apathy Cycle by Nursetopia

If you don’t work for a change, who will? If you don’t care about it, who will? It’s okay to sit down during exhaustion. It’s even okay to walk away for a moment in apathy. Renew your passion. And then keep on keeping on.