The story of four nursing students expelled from Johnson County Community College for taking pictures with a human placenta (without any patient identifiers) is, by all standards, viral in the media and nursing blogosphere. I am truly sorry for the nursing students and their families. I cannot imagine the circumstances given all of the stress and anxiety nursing school already brings. I have been intrigued reading some truly great, opinionated blogs and blog comments; I’m even more amazed this story has now become a living, breathing case study in social media, healthcare, ethics, due process, policy failure, communication, lateral violence, professional behavior, the generational workforce, and academia.

My goal here is not to weigh in on the topic itself but rather aggregate all the great links surrounding this story. If I’ve missed one, please let me know and I’ll add it accordingly.

First, check out the original story via the Kansas City Star. Now, be sure to check out the views of Not Nurse Ratched, Sarah Beth, RN, The Nerdy Nurse, Psycho Nurse, JParadisi, RN, and Those Emergency Blues (and the comments are chock full ‘o goodness, too). Inside Higher Ed reports a lawsuit has been filed. And you better believe “traditional” media outlets like The Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal are reporting on this “odd” photo situation, as well. This story is even more enigmatic as healthcare and hospitals become increasingly social, even live-Tweeting surgeries and joining the geolocation social movement – all within HIPPA and Joint Commission guidelines.

Once again, I’ll add links as I see them. Feel free to point me to posts I may have missed. Weigh in on the discussion here or on one of the other great blogs.

Since the original post…more, more, more links: