I’ve spent the past two glorious weeks with my amazing family. A good amount of time was devoted to reading and taking control of my Google Reader. It’s been wonderful. I thought I’d share an eclectic blend of some of my favorite December blog posts – not those I’ve written personally, but definitely those I have enjoyed personally.

As an iPhone and all-around technology lover, I enjoy the iMedicalApps blog. I was particularly thrilled with the announcement and review New England Journal of Medicine Image Challenge Questions Become an iPhone Medical App [Review]. I also nurse-geeked-out as I read Phrase Board can Help Patients with Speaking Difficulties Communicate Short Messages [iPad app]. Love it! And The Health Care Blog provides some great discussion on healthcare providers utilizing geolocation services (like Foursquare and Gowalla) in Geolocate This.

Paul Levy’s Running A Hospital is one of my favorite blogs of all times. It’s eclectic, practical, timely, and is usually the perfect chunk of digestible information. Some of my favorite reads from Mr. Levy this month have included Enthusiastic Transparency and Lives & Times. Another great healthcare read is from the Health Affairs blogWhy We Still Kill Patients – Invisibility, Inertia, & Income. Worth it!

As a mother of young children, it’s important my family volunteers together as we all serve our community. If you’re interested in the same, you might also enjoy the Volunteer Spot blog posts Four Reasons to Volunteer with Your Kids and Teaching Your Kids to “Walk the Talk.”

And while I direct a nonprofit organization, Dan Pallota’s Harvard Business Review blog is a must-read. He challenges the norm always and unapologetically. I love that. He’s posted twice in December, and both are worth your time no matter if you work in the nonprofit sector or not: How to Fix Misunderstandings at Work and in Life and Micro-Meddling Boards Undermine Progress.

Last but certainly not least, make sure to check out the great submissions and nominations for the first ever Those Emergency Blues Prize for Writing. I have loved reading from the best and brightest of the diverse nurse blogosphere.

December 2010 hasn’t been short on great content. Here’s to January 2011!