Dreaming is fun. So many have forgotten how to do it, though. The reality of the world conquers and squashes the ability to think of anything more than what already is, and when someone shares a dream, often people have difficulty seeing the future reality within the dream. Dreaming is part of creativity, invention, innovation, difference. It’s not just for artists. There’s much dreaming within business and health care. I promise. Find the cool products, the rocking organizational culture, the units that turn out leaders time and again; you’ll find the managers, leaders, and colleagues there are dreamers with the know-how to convert dreams into reality.

This week, I hope you take a break from reality and sit back for a moment of dreaming. (You never know. It could become reality.) Simply imagine. Write or draw your thoughts. Creativity is like a muscle. It takes practice to use and repetition to get good. Once it is built, though, watch out. Heads-in-the-clouds people change the world.