Through blogging I have found an interest in blogs and their relationship to nursing – how they impact us, our patients, and how we impact the blogosphere. I was able to share that passion with others at the 36th Annual ONS Congress in Boston last April. Thanks to the encouragement of a wonderful oncology nurse and writer, I turned that presentation into a “Professional Issues” article, The Rise of Blogs in Nursing Practice, in the April 2012 edition of the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (pages 215-217). By the way, yes, that is the first digital edition of CJON. Fitting.

If you present a poster or a podium session at a conference, I’ll tell you the same as my encourager told me: “You’re half way to an article!” It’s true. With concise thoughts and references in hand, chances are you’ll have to edit down rather than add in new material to develop an article for a similar professional issues column. Give it a try!