KONY 2012 via Lego-LM, Flickr.com

It’s easy to look back at moments in history and think, “How could they let that happen?” Now is one of those times our children will look back on, as well.

If you haven’t seen this video, please watch it. Yes, it’s 30 minutes long; yes, I hope it spurs you to action. If you think Joseph Kony has nothing to do with health care across the globe, you are mistaken. Separated by continents and oceans, we have colleagues in the midst of unthinkable war and daily life, people who need our help. Part of what we do as advocates is make the invisible people visible, the unheard heard. Now is no different. Nurses, physicians, pharmacists, therapists, nutritionists, and every other healthcare professional need to take notice and take action. It’s the right thing to do.
