By now, most know Susan G. Komen for the Cure reversed its decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screening services for low-income women.

Planned Parenthood is once again at the epicenter of a Federal and State blame-game that is about to leave 130,000 uninsured and underinsured Texas women without breast and cervical cancer screening services as the Medicaid Women’s Health Program slips into a Lone Star State oblivion.

130,000 women.

Imagine the entire population of New Haven, Connecticut was female and completely unable to access routine Pap smears or mammograms due to funding issues. There would be outrage. One “minor” difference – Texas is not Connecticut. Texas leads the nation in uninsured, with nearly 25% of our entire statewide population – one of every four Texans – lacking health insurance. What’s 130,000 more women? Cancer directly and indirectly costs Texas approximately $228 billion annually. What’s a few more billion in lack of healthcare access leading to an increase in late-stage breast and cervical cancers resulting in poorer health and economic prognoses?

Yes, those last few statements are dripping with sarcasm and disgust. My stomach turns, and I am angered as I read about President Obama and Governor Perry both claiming their hands are tied, they each are right, and the other is wrong and putting women’s lives at risk. As an oncology nurse focusing on Central Texas’ underserved women (whose faces may surprise you) – women (and their families) benefiting from the Medicaid Women’s Health Program  every single day – I can honestly say many will suffer if Texas is unable to use Federal funds for the Medicaid Women’s Health Program. Not only do the Medicaid Women’s Health Program funds cover breast and cervical cancer screenings, but the funds also cover expenses for women who have already been diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer, paying for life-saving treatments and provider appointments.

I understand the strong views behind both sides of abortion, which is stirring this big mess pot, as Planned Parenthood provides a myriad of women’s health resources ranging from family planning to cancer screenings. I imagine if we were talking about testicles rather than breasts and cervixes, though, this conversation would be very different.

Put away the partisanship. Women’s lives are not political pawns.