March Madness has begun, and I’m not talking about basketball. March is the beginning, or what feels like the beginning, of “appreciation season.” We’ll appreciate and recognize just about every health professional over the next few months.

Today begins National Social Work Month as well as National Nutrition Month. In addition, March 19th is Certified Nurses Day, a day to honor all the nurses who’ve put in extra time and effort to sub-specialize and certify in an area. I have two social workers, one clinical dietician, and four certified nurses (including myself) on my rather small team, so it’s a big month for us. We’ve got “thanks” going all the way around!

I’ve planned some special gifts and events for my whole team and certain team members. I’ll share those “things” near the end of the month so I don’t spoil the surprises.

Hopefully you can spend the month honoring the special team members who contribute to patient care. Do something special; go crazy; think outside the box. Even if it’s a hand-written note, that says a lot. Honor the professionals around you this month.