20120218-194519.jpgI am running as this post is published. Today is my fourth half-marathon. This race is different.

It is my first race in my hometown – beautiful Austin, Texas, which, if you didn’t know, has killer hills throughout historic downtown.

It is my first race to run “by myself,” without any family members joining in the hard work and finish-line fun.

It is my first race to run bearing the LIVESTRONG name, which is an organization based in Austin that provides numerous supportive care services for people impacted by cancer. They do much more than that, though, and I am proud to work for and with them on numerous efforts.

It is my first race to join the volunteer team, serving in the medical tent after I finish the race. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and now I have the chance.

Today is not just another run. Today is the day I’ve prepared for the past eight weeks.

I spend my long runs thinking about a lot of different things – usually people and how much they mean to me. Today – as I run 13.1 miles – I’ll be thinking about many people – friends, family members, some who’ve beat cancer, some who cancer took far too early, and the nurses and other healthcare professionals who work day after day to care, not only for cancer survivors, but for everyone everywhere.

No, today is not just another run.