The Tournament of Roses Parade is a U.S. New Year’s Day tradition. For the first time, a nurse – Sally Bixby, RN, MS, CNOR, Director of Surgical Services at City of Hope in California, will preside over the 124th Tournament of Roses Parade and 99th Rose Bowl on January 1, 2013. In honor of Sally and nurses everywhere, a float celebrating our profession will grace the world-famous Rose Parade course.

You can like the Nurses Float on Facebook, follow it on Twitter, volunteer with the float, donate to the float in honor of a colleague, and more. Your organization can sponsor a nurse to ride the float, or you can reserve a seat on the float yourself for a mere $30,0o0.

Yeah, don’t look for me on the Nurses Float unless someone wants to sponsor a nurse blogger to cover the momentous occasion. I will likely be watching, though, from a TV away. Wave to me!

Seriously, though…Honor a colleague with any size monetary donation to this special event. Hopefully this won’t be an every-124-years event.