Yesterday my friend, Ellen Carr, RN, MSN, AOCN®, and her colleagues (whom I’ve blogged about before), launched the 6th “Nursing Research News You Can Use” (NRNYCU) video. NRNYCU is designed as an e-journal club for UC San Diego Health Systems nurses, who are caring for oncology patients. NRNYCU is a platform to access brief video updates about evidence-based clinical practice topics via the UCSD YouTube channel. The new 4-minute (yes!) video highlights three recent articles about distress management, which just so happens to be an interest of mine right now.* I even added one of the references to a current article, so thank you UCSD educators!

I love this idea. Really, really love it. I think it is a great way to expose a lot of nurses to current research, especially if you work in a large system with numerous campuses. It seems quite efficient and easy to replicate.

Access the 6th NRNYCU video, via the UCSD Nursing Education Development & Research website. Click the YouTube video link under “Video 6.” I decided not to link directly to the YouTube video because there are other good resources (like the full article citations) on this page.

Once you’ve viewed the video, please complete a brief survey about the NRNYCU platform, so they can improve and continue this awesome idea! We all like feedback, so please help some nurses out, and complete this survey by Wednesday, November 23, 2011.

Lastly, share this excellent resource with the nurses around you. Three current nursing research articles in less than five minutes…It’s worth a mention!

*Scroll back through the recent Friday “ArticleAWeek” posts to see more nursing research about psychosocial distress screening and management.