The Huffington Post reported Linda Harvey, Mission America radio host, warned parent listeners to not allow gay healthcare professionals to care for their children while in the hospital. Actually, she said it was okay in emergent situations; but in non-emergent situations, openly gay healthcare professionals should not care for their children as they could erroneously influence them. She even told listeners they should file a letter with their pediatricians indicating such.

This story infuriated me as I first heard about it on the radio (a different station) and then read about it again later in the day. Infuriated me. It should really anger us all.

I’ve thought a lot about it, and this story angers me for two reasons. First, I am beside myself because Linda Harvey is a self-proclaimed Christian making these statements of hate. I don’t speak much about my religious beliefs here, but I am an unashamed Christ-lover. Nothing has influenced my life more than His Unconditional Love. Ms. Harvey’s words contradict so much of what I know is True. Second, I am angry because my gay healthcare colleagues – who went to school, trained over years to develop their services (and continue to do so), and work daily to care for and save the lives of complete strangers – have to deal with people claiming their sexual identities will ruin the lives of their patients.

Seriously? What year is this? Maybe Ms. Harvey would like us to eat in different restaurants, drink from different water fountains, and go to different schools, too?
