I left work angry nearly every day this week. Angry and thankful. In doing so, I recognize my full passion is returning – something I have missed for a while now.

I was and continue to be angered over the amount of injustice to millions of people within the United States and more specifically to the hundreds of people in my own community. I see the direct disparities in care and poor outcomes throughout the continuum of care from prevention through survivorship daily. I found myself thinking, “It shouldn’t be this way,” and, “There has to be a better way,” many times this week.

After I vented my anger – mostly internally – I was thankful as I realized my many colleagues who share the same passion, and they are working to correct the injustices we see daily.

They are the advocates making the invisible visible, bringing the concealed into full view, amplifying the voices once falling on deaf ears, closing the gaps in care, and narrowing the disparities for the vulnerable.

We all have something – maybe an anger – burning within us, driving us, spurring us to make a difference. Maybe yours needs rejuvenation. Mine did. I was unaware that my passion had decreased so much until I felt it rise within me again.

I am angry. And thankfully so.