I write a lot about finding and filling in gaps because I am consistently amazed at how many “small” gaps exist in daily practice (at least I see them in my practice) and how “small” efforts can create a lasting and meaningful difference in efficiency and care.

I am also fascinated by my healthcare colleagues who routinely identify and fill gaps not because they have to but  because they care. They are like caulk. Yes, I am talking about the stuff in between counters and walls and elsewhere to close and finish gaps in the building process. They tend the spaces that everyone notices but no one else will take the time to fill. In doing so, they create better environments and processes for patients and the healthcare team.

Caulk it up today. See a need? Fill it. And as an aside, if you have friends or colleagues filling gaps where no one else will, send them a thank you note. Noticing caulker’s efforts helps us all, and in doing so, you become a caulker yourself – thanking the often thankless.