The Article: Case, M.B. (2011). Oncology nurse navigator: Ensuring safe passage. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(1): 33-40.

Big Idea: This integrative review of 18 primary nursing research studies – 13 of which focused on breast cancer – identified nurse (navigator)-sensitive patient outcomes.

Survey Says!: Among the studies, Case found nurse navigators do impact patients and systems, increasing patients’ self-care, impacting patient satisfaction scores, reducing hospitalizations, streamlining care, and improving proper utilization of available resources.

Quotable: “The patient navigation model shares characteristics with case management and patient advocate service models [reference]” (p. 34).

“When the nurse uses expert clinical judgment, systems thinking, and advocacy to identify complications early or promote adherence to appropriate treatment in the complex, vulnerable patient, safe passage has occurred” (p. 38).

So What?: It is evident nurse navigation is here to stay as it impacts other healthcare professionals, patients, and healthcare systems. As the number of oncology nurse navigators rises, expect to see other chronic disease specialties include nurse navigators based on the clear value proposition.