The University of Texas at Arlington is once again coordinating its Travel, Study, Learn program – an immersion education activity held in Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 7-14, 2011. It is open to all healthcare professionals, and it is accredited for continuing nursing education contact hours.

I attended this program for two weeks nearly eight years ago as an undergraduate nursing student, and it revolutionized (yes, revolutionized!) my view of healthcare and transcultural nursing. It really is an immersion experience. You stay and eat most meals with a Mexican family who likely knows very little English, attend Universidad Internacional for intense Spanish and cultural lessons, explore nearby historic and cultural sites, as well as enjoy the local markets and venues. Coordinating faculty are highly knowledgeable of the program and the Cuernavaca city. Not to mention they are amazing teachers that will become your colleagues and friends.

You should seriously consider attending this program. I could gush on and on – only because this immersion experience really did make me view healthcare through the lens of culture and language. It made me a better nurse, for sure.

Disclosure: I received my undergraduate nursing degree from the University of Texas at Arlington, and I attended this program as an undergrad. I do not receive any compensation for my opinions related to this program. I just happen to think it’s a worthwhile opportunity impacting nursing practice and the patients we serve.