Break Cancer is a “record setting bonanza brought to you by the LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance” aimed to bring awareness to adolescent and young adult, or AYA, cancer which impacts nearly 70,000 people age 15 to 39 each year. According to the National Cancer Institute (2006), “cancer occurring between the ages of 15 and 30 is 2.7 times more common than cancer occurring during the first 15 years of life.” Cancer incidence in young adults has increased steadily over the past 25 years, and “survival improvement trends portend a worse prognosis for young adults diagnosed with cancer today than 25 years ago” (NCI, 2006). With tremendous cancer disparities existing within this cancer survivor subpopulation, there is scant data about cancer causes, treatment options, and survivorship issues. Young adults are just now being recognized as a distinct population with unique needs, and their position at the intersection of pediatric and adult oncology results all too often in patients falling through the cracks of resources and support services.

Help set a record – The Most Times Cancer Gets WordPressed – in the next 24 hours and raise awareness of AYA cancer. You can participate in the world record-setting merriment in several ways:

1. Leave a comment, more specifically – a tribute, honoring either someone age 15 to 39 impacted by cancer or a healthcare professional, individual, or organization devoting time to caring for AYAs with cancer.

2. Write your own WordPress blog post about AYA cancer or the Break Cancer record-setting bonanza. (Ahem, #postaday2011, anyone?) Be sure to link to this post or leave a link in the comments so I can count it in our results.

3. Share this world record attempt via email, Facebook, or Twitter. You can follow Break Cancer on both Facebook and Twitter, as well.

That’s it. Oh, and if you’d like to set your own Break Cancer record, you can do that, too. If you’re attending SXSW next week, you definitely need to swing by the Highball on March 13th for URDB World Records Live, Benefiting Break Cancer and join the record-setting festivities. Hmmm…maybe the WordPress folks headed to Austin need to get in on that action.

Enough! It’s time to WordPress Cancer!