Today is unique. January 1, 2011. I heard and read about it all day long.

While facts like today’s date are neat, in all actuality, though, today was just another day. People went to work, kids went to school, babies were born, people died. Millions of nurses went to work today and charted 1/11/11 over and over again as they detailed their patients’ very different experiences. For some, today was just another humdrum Friday-Can’t-Get-Here-Fast-Enough Tuesday. It will never be remembered. For others, today was filled with happiness or heartache. It will be remembered for as long as the brain can remember the memories of 1/11/11.

How was your 1/11/11? Did you make the most of it? Did you tell the people most dear to you your thoughts about them? Did you make progress toward your life goals and dreams? Did you do what you enjoy? If not, rest assured tomorrow is just as unique as today. Opportunity awaits you on 1/12/11…and every other day that greets you.